‘阿拉’老宁波——宁波民俗风物展 |
在幽深光滑的青石路上徜徉;在朴实凝重的老房子里留连;在灵秀生韵的骨木镶嵌前驻足的时候。作为历史的片段与文化的符号,民俗风物是宁波的根和脉,是地域文化经过历史风雨洗礼后留下来的不熄薪火,是我们每个人的情感追忆、价值寻求和审美寄托。 Ala Old Ningbo--Folk Customs Hall The Old Ningbo City, a hallmark in Ningbo history and culture, is the root of this city, a heritage of folk customs surviving this fast-changing world, a priceless gift from our ancestors, and the source in which our passions, values and ideology repose. While meandering along the long black stone path, lingering in the historic houses, or contemplating the beautiful bone-inlaid wooden works, we are seeking a long-dreamed road back to our home – the Old Ningbo City. |
民国·雕人物纹贴金木茶壶痛 |
清·泥金彩漆木提桶 |
民国·朱金木雕人物纹木扛箱 |
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清·高嵌黄杨木花卉人物图红木贴盒 |